Thursday, October 16, 2008


What an interesting time to be alive. There's so much going on right now it's impossible to keep your mind idle for more than 2 milliseconds. I find that these days I'm constantly in a state of deep thought. I try to stick to the easy things, Kristen, training, my clients, trashy tv :), but no matter how hard I try, my thoughts drift back to the economy and the upcoming elections.

The future is never garaunteed, but at times like this it seems like wishful thinking. No one ever knows what going to happen tomorrow, and at this point I'm just hoping tomorrow will come. I've never invested in the market, and I don't know the first thing about it, but we will all be effected by what happens in the coming weeks no matter what. It's scary to think about. Life will be changing quite drastically.

Then there's the election. Both parties seem to have very valid points regarding the various, important issues this country will face. However, the thing that scares me most is the generous amount of bullsh*t that's out there. Even more so, the people that believe it! In my previous post, I wrote about ignorance. It's a dangerous thing. Especially when ignorance is spread-and it usually spreads like wildfire.

Being uneducated is a very dangerous thing. I don't believe that people realize the power they possess with the right to vote. Not to use a terribly overused cliche, but every vote really does count. No matter how insignificant you think you may or may not be, voting is powerful. Don't believe me? Think of this: People in this very country have DIED, literally, for the right to vote. Voting has been so important, that until recently (the last century), not everyone has had the right to vote. Needless to say, it means something.

So what I'm writing about today is the uncertainty facing us as a country and society. I'm scarred because today, as well as yesterday, and the days before, I've heard misinformed people inform others who are now misinformed as well. Agendas here, are being pushed in very scary ways. There no longer is a regard for the greater good, but rather the good for you and your own bunch. It's frightening to think that people think only about themselves and not their fellow countrymen and women. Maybe it's just not having the same life experience as others. Or maybe its not having the same opportunities to learn as others. Maybe it's the media and the ongoing slanted reporting they put out (I'm talking liberal and conservative here-we're all guilty). No matter, things need to change and get better. We need to make the individual sacrifices that will make life better for those around us who are not so fortunate. We need to really educate ourselves on the issues-REALLY educate ourselves, not just hear what we want to, but hear what we don't want to as well. We need to be more objective in what we see and hear. Allow for others to speak their mind. Make a REAL decision on what you feel in your heart-not on what others tell you. And never discount what ANYONE has to say. Take it in, think about it, and then make a decision. When you look at issues from different angels, suddenly they may take a different shape, therefore causing you to make a different decision.

Most importantly, THINK BEFORE YOU REACT! Think about what it is your voting about. Think about the future it will give to the children of this country. Think about those around you and not just yourself. Think, Think, Think. Thinking may not be the entire remedy, but I bet you it's a damn good start.

I could say that I really don't mean for this blog to have any political 'feeling' associated with it, but I wouldn't be telling the truth. The truth is that we really need to be aware of what's happening in this country. We need to change things and regain the respect that we've had before. We've all been given the freedom to think and choose as we see fit. Let's make the most of it in this coming election. Let's rediscover the reason we're all here. Let's bring it back to the "Land of the FREE, and the home of the brave." We can do it, but it's gonna require that we grab the bull by the horns and learn for ourselves, take into account all things, and make EDUCATED decisions. Let's get it done.

Push 'till ya puke...Always. (In everything you do!)

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