What an historic election. I can't say enough about how much it means to me, being a mixed raced American, to have someone that looks like me in office. While I certainly agree on the policies of President Elect Obama, as well as the direction he wants to take this country, I can't help but feel a tinge of pride as he gave his acceptance speech last night. It was amazing to see an African American Family take the stage as America's next first family. Tears came to my eyes as I read an interesting sign shown on the news. It read:
Rosa sat,
So Martin could stand,
And Barack Obama could lead.
I'm crying as I write this. Not because of the change it will bring. Not because of the story of one man. I'm crying because of the story of so many that endured so much. So many men and women that gave their lives, both literally and figuratively so that we can live in a country where EVERYONE is EQUAL. Less than a century ago this wasn't true. LESS THAN A CENTURY! Now we can say that we are all on equal footing. It happened, and whether you believe it or not, the world will be better for it. I've never been more proud to call myself an American. May God Bless America!
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