Today was an extremely slow day. Training wise it's an off day (which like most ocd triathletes I hate!), so I knew I was gonna have some extra time on my hands. However, when I had about 50 calls from clients cancelling their appointments, it got really muddy-slow! In fairness to them however, they all had valid excuses, and I realize that we're getting into the time of year where people are thinking about other things than working out.
Typically, the holiday season is super slow in the world of personal training. I've contemplated taking the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas completely off, but I just don't have the balls to do it. Not only that, but there are some die-hards out there that want to work hard throughout the winter. As my clients will tell you, who am I to get in the way of their suffering ;).
So today....
I had my usual 415 am wake up, followed by my super, duper, strong coffee. Take the dog out. Hurry to get 10 things done in the time it should take 2, and then head out the door, surely forgetting something. Well today I had all of that, and 3 cancellations before 10am. Not my worst day, but definately not my best.
So after my now half day, I headed home to take a nap, hang out with Lucki Doggy, and get some work done. Well, there was the problem. I can't have unscheduled time in my day...it just doesn't work for me. I'm the King of Time Wasting. I really don't know what it is, if I don't follow a plan for the day, I just sit and stare at the walls-LITERALLY! What the hell? I guess I'm just such a profound thinker I ponder and plot all day long without something to fill the hours. Either that or I've developed adult ADD and can't focus on any one thing for too long. Either way, it sucks to have time with nothing to do.
So this all brings me to now. I'm sitting here posting this, having done what feels like NOTHING all day, and I can't stand it! Wait....before I get all bent out of shape even more, let me step back into reality for a moment. I did have a very productive day by most standards. I worked from 5 am to noon, hopefully made people smile and feel good about themselves, took care of some business stuff, took a nice healthy nap, and cleared my head. Kinda feels good. But then there's that nagging overachiever in me (that comes out for nothing but what I want to do by the way) that makes me feel like I've been a failure all day. Wow, such a vicious cycle.
On a better note, I taught myself to ride my bike on rollers today! I ordered them about a week ago and nearly cracked my head on my coffee table the first time I had them out of the box. I had no idea how hard they'd be to ride. With a little perserverence though, I was able to get up and riding today in no time. I didn't do a workout on them, but talk about fun! Unlike a starionary trainer, the rollers force you to generate your own balance. A little tricky at first, but it really makes you such a better rider! I can't wait to do some workouts on these babies! Good stuff!
So that was today in a bit more than a nutshell. Not sure if any of what I wrote is coherent, but that's just about all I did today! Looking back, I guess it wasn't so bad. Simplicity, as I'm learning, is one of the greatest things in life.
The cup of coffee I just had is kickin' in, so I'll go on one more tiny rant. Simplicity is a wonderfully underrated thing. I've learned a lot about myself in this past year (thanks in enourmous part by Kristen-I love you sooooo much honey). I've never had simplicity in my life. I've always cluttered my life, both figuratively and literally with junk that's just got in the way of making things easy for me. So often I've wanted more more more. It just never ended. It was to the point that I couldn't just sit back and enjoy the things I was blessed enough to have. Now though, I'm learning to enjoy what's in front of me like never before. It's really liberating to feel so free. I'm a long way off from perfecting the simple life, but I'm on my way.
Ok. 'Nuff said.
Push 'till ya puke...Always.
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