So yeah, it's Thanksgiving. Finally a day for me to rest and relax all by myself with nothing to do, and no place I NEED to be. Notice I said NEED. I did manage to swim this morning (albeit hung over really bad from drinking more than my fair share of wine last night). Other than that, the only plan for today is to chillax, read a bit, spend some time with Lucki Dog, and hopefully see Kristen later.
It's nice to take a rest and spend some time alone. Being an only child, I really value this time to myself. I often squander a lot of time, but this is a stress-free squandering zone. And speaking of squandering, what's up with the Lions game on T.V. today? Sorry if there are any Lions fans out in internet land, but this game sucks! It's not even halftime and the Tennesee has run up the score on these bums. What a waste of a good 'ratings day' game.
Anyway, I'm a bit scatterbrained as I write this, I'm still miserably hung over, and trying to recover for a swim workout today. Ah, that brings me to a point I wanted to make. Since starting in triathlon, it's been evident since day one that I'm not a good swimmer-or let me correct that, I WASN'T a good swimmer. Now though, through some good self-coaching (meaning reading and watching every bit of material out there on swimming-btw youtube.com is awesome for swim instruction vids, and free too!), I'm proud to call myself a swimmer! Don't get me wrong, I'm no Michael Phelps, but I can definately hold my own at the local gym pool. I've literally gone from being one of the 'wet dog' swimmers in the pool, to a guy who looks like he's suppossed to be there. Very exciting! And it justifies my sweet little speedo! Don't ask me why I like to wear one when I swim, but for some reason it's just a lot more comfortable...also, it's not bad getting hit on by the older women checkin' me out! Hahaha, yeah right, they're probably laughing at me on the inside! Ok, so anyway, I really feel like I'm making some drastic improvements. Once I get a chance to meet with my coach and get some real coaching, I may actually be a fast tri swimmer! Good stuff!
Let's see, what else. Training is going very good right now. I'm still very motivated and can feel my improvement everyday. Having a coach and a scheduled program has really made a big difference. Taking away the stress of what to do everyday, and whether or not what I'm doing is correct, is well worth the money. This coming season should be a good one. I'm gonna be dangerous out there.
What else.....Not really much I can think of right now. Oh, I know. I met Kristen's cousins Mark and Allison for the first time last night. They have overcome a tremendous amount of obstacles in their lives, having been involved in a serious car crash about two years ago. They are truly some of the nicest and warmest people I've ever had the pleasure to meet. After hearing their story, I feel inspired to live every day to it's fullest. I know people say that so much, and it's become a terrible cliche, but these folks are truly amazing. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to meet them!
So that's about it for now. I've got a couple of hours left of daylight to enjoy-not to mention a good book to sit down and read. Have a happy Thanksgiving and remember to be thankful and live life to it's fullest each day!
Push 'till ya puke...Always.