Monday, December 1, 2008

Tired again...

Tired again. Holidays really zap the life out of me. I'm not sure why, but for some reason, it's not necessarily the food that kills me, it's all the damned alcohol. I know I shouldn't say it, but I really love to drink. I'm no alcoholic-at least I hope not:)- but I think it's the social aspect of drinking I like. It's jut so much freakin' fun! No wonder I like to dance when I drink!

So being tired, not to mention hung over, I wasn't able to train Sunday. Only missed an easy 2-3 hour ride, but nonetheless missed it. Pissed me off to no end. I hate missing workouts period, but missing them because I couldn't control myself the night before is unacceptable. This is definately the last time that will happen.

So I took my rest day today to do the ride I missed yesterday. Easy and fun, minus the crazy wind that almost blew me off the road. It's funny how slow you travel when you have to cap your heartrate to a certain low number. Rides that would normally take me an hour to complete now take and hour and fifteen to twenty minutes to complete-totally throws off my natural bike computor range. Anyway...

That's about it for today. Good day at work, good day training. And now I get to go see the best girl in the world when she's done with class! Not a bad life! If I can just stick to my 'Simplicity Plan' I should be all good!

Push 'till ya puke...Always.

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